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Spotlight On…Scott Warren of Generation Citizen

7 Jun

Screen shot 2013-06-07 at 2.53.16 PMScott Warren is the co-founder and Executive Director of Generation Citizen (GC). He is a current recipient of an Echoing Green  Fellowship, was a finalist for the Truman Scholarship, and was recently recognized by Forbes; 30 Under 30 as one of the most promising social entrepreneurs in the country. In other words, this guy is onto something big and people are taking notice.

The mission of Generation Citizen (GC): “To strengthen our nation’s democracy by empowering young people to become engaged and effective citizens.  We envision a democracy in which every citizen participates in the political process. GC teaches teenagers direct political action.  Through an innovative in-class curriculum, students work with local leaders to fix local problems.  Through this real-world experience, our teens are building an active democracy. Our innovative, action-based program will revolutionize civics education in this country. Generation Citizen is building a new generation of youth activists and leaders; a generation inspired and equipped to make change.”

Below is a Q&A session that took place with Scott, describing how he came up with the idea for GC, how it fits into our society, and what he’s forward to in the future.

 Question: Tell us a bit about your background. Why did you start GC?

Scott Warren: I’m originally from San Diego, California, where I lived until I was eight years old.  My dad then joined the State Department, and I started moving all over Latin America and Africa.  Through that experience, I had the opportunity GC logo-leftto emerge a number of emerging democracies; including the first truly democratic elections in Kenya’s history, in 2002 (they just had another election just a month ago).   In one of the most rural areas of Kenya, I witnessed lines of people hundreds deep, passionate about using their voices to make a collective difference. When the opposition candidate won the election (a rarity in an emerging democracy), the tremendous potential of democracy in action became immediately apparent.

My work since has focused on catalyzing that passion for the democratic spirit, co-founding GC as a Brown University senior in 2008 with the strong desire to revive our country’s democracy through our schools. In college, I worked to end the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, serving as the National Student Director for the organization STAND, and leading on successful efforts to divest Brown, the City of Providence, and the State of Rhode Island from foreign companies doing business in Sudan. Reflecting on my social justice work, I identified two principles that led to the founding of GC:

  • Most secondary students have not developed the skills or mindsets to become engaged in their communities or the democratic process.
  • The most effective way to encourage young people to participate in that process is through direct engagement in it.

I believe that our nation’s schools can and must play a critical role in preparing young people for active and effective citizenship. Through our action civics approach, students have the opportunity to learn civics by actually doing civics.  Through participation in the program, students will become motivated for long-term engagement, and have the necessary skills and knowledge to lead change on important community issues. Our students will break the cycle of disengagement that contributes to the exclusion of entire communities from our democracy.

Q: What themes do you see with regard to issues currently being championed by students here in NYC?

SW: While we do see some similarity in terms of focus issues in NYC, the projects that often stand out the most (and have the most success in directing concrete change) are those that are highly specific, focused on a problem that may impact the entire city but has very specific repercussions in a particular neighborhood or community.  For example, students often select topics that could fall under the broad buckets of “community safety” or “public health,” but the projects that truly stand out as having driven real, concrete change are those that dig a level deeper.  A class at Mott Hall High School in Harlem effectively addressed gang violence at a bus stop near their school by working with the local police office to place an undercover policeman on duty, and a class at Concord High School on Staten Island decided to address a highly localized problem, prescription drug abuse. Many of the students had been impacted personally by this issue and some were recovering drug abusers themselves. They developed a peer mentoring program to educate local middle school students about the consequences and dangers of prescription drug abuse, and are working with a State Senator on next steps.  

GC encourages the selection of these types of highly specific, targeted focus issues, recognizing that politics in inherently localized. Certainly the projects are relevant for the entire city, but we push our students to get specific and truly use the political process at the local level.

Q: Do you think encouraging young people to engage in action-civics falls to parents, educators or government?

SW: It falls to a combination of parents, educators, and the government to engage young people in the political process.  GC believes, however, that it can work to engage every young person through the institution that affects the most people on a daily basis- our schools. In the future, our current students will serve as models for civic participation for the next generation, but schools should continue to provide students the opportunity to engage in a targeted, personally relevant learning experience through the GC action civics curriculum.

While local governments could offer more resources and make information around elections or the development of legislation more widely available, their support of civics education in schools (during regular school hours) should be their main role in preparing young people for engagement in the democracy. At the federal level, we believe the government can and should prioritize civics education, and hold schools accountable to concrete goals, recognizing that if our young people are not learning to engage in the political process, the future of our democracy is at risk.

Q: What has been the feedback from local decision makers regarding youth speaking out and working to make a change?

SW: Through the GC program, middle and high school students have the opportunity to directly connect with local decision makers, seeking feedback on their action projects and lobbying them for support. Local leaders visit GC classrooms or serve as a judge at Civics Day (our end-of-semester “science fair for civics”) and truly engage in the work of our students. In December, NYC Comptroller John Liu attended Civics Day and addressed the importance of students speaking out working toward change. In many cases, these leaders have incorporated students’ ideas into their professional decision-making.

One of our main goals is to get leaders to recognize that young people have valid and important ideas that can help to make their communities a better place.  We do not want our program to tokenize young people- we want to see them as real participants.

Q: The U.S. lags far behind most counties academically. How does the US measure up to other countries when it comes to civics and youth engagement?

Not good.  In terms of overall voter participation, the United States ranks 137th out of 170 recognized democracies.  It’s difficult to compare civics, since every country has their own systems.  But overall, maybe because we consider ourselves a more developed democracy, we spend less time developing our own future citizens.

Q: How do you think teaching civics in schools will impact our county’s future? 

SW: GC envisions a democracy in which every citizen, regardless of background, participates, ensuring that government is responsive to the needs of all citizens. We believe that teaching action civics in our nation’s public schools can play a critical role in realizing this vision. 

In our society, when a young person turns 16, they are incredibly excited to receive their driver’s license.  But in the year before, they must take multiple driving lessons, tests, and practice behind the wheel.

When young people turn 18, they receive the right to vote.  But most are not excited, and even fewer have been properly trained as citizens.  It is almost as if we expect young people to wake up at 18 and know how to run our democracy.  Effective civics education can be the driver’s education course for democracy.  And if we do this effectively, we’ll have a more educated populace, a better run government, and a more functional democracy.

Q: Are you advocating civics be taught in every school in the country? How early do we start?

SW: Yes.  And we should start early.  When done well, civics education should be included in every other subject.  Every first graders should be learning about how their opinions and thoughts matter as engaged citizens.  This is not currently happening, and one of the primary aims of GC is to get every school to realize that teaching civics is not a nice to have, but a need to have

Q: What can community leaders and parents take away from a program like this? Can what students are learning in the classroom be translated to home life and social relationships?

SW: The skills that students develop through participation in the program extend far beyond the GC classroom. Public speaking, research, engaging and persuading local decision makers – these are skills that will support students’ academic and professional endeavors long after the completion of our program. It is important for community leaders and parents to note that, in many cases, students are actually creating change on the ground in their communities – not only are they developing skills for future civic engagement, they are truly improving their communities in the present, and focusing on changes that are sustainable and will have real impact (as opposed to a one-time service learning project).

Additionally, we are currently piloting a program that will connect some of our most motivated students to local internship opportunities with non-profit organizations and electoral campaigns, creating a direct link between the GC classroom and professional relationship building.

Q: What is the biggest takeaway you hope students learn at the end of this course?

SW: Through participation in GC, we aim for students to understand that taking action on important community issues, and being politically engaged, is not a one-time experience. It is not something you learn in a GC class and, after the close of the semester, never address again. We aim to increase students’ civic knowledge, motivation and skills so that they are excited and able to lead change and be engaged for the long-term. 

We want students to recognize that their voice matters, both for their individual well-being and for the betterment of their communities. They have a critical role to play, and it extends far beyond the walls of the classroom. After participating in the program, GC students often recognize that they truly can make a difference. One former GC student and current college freshman stated, “GC changed my life. It showed me that no matter how big or little, I could make a difference in my community, and if I try hard enough, the world.”  We believe that participation in our program can help students understand not only that they are capable of making a difference, but that the health of our democracy and our nation depends upon their doing so.

Q:  Where do you see yourself and GC in 10 years?

SW: My life’s work will be working to improve the concept of democracy, whether in this country or abroad.  This may include educating others, or serving in policy or politics.

In ten years, GC will be the biggest civics education organization in the country, working with over 100,000 students per year. We will have built formal partnerships with school districts nationwide to ensure that every student in the communities we serve is receiving an effective civics education.

We will continue to work toward our long-term impact goals, described below. By 2050, GC will have played a leading role in the revitalization of our democracy by having:

  • Directly worked with over 1 million young people; and
  • Partnered with every major urban school district nationwide to create an effective action civics curriculum.

      Because of our work, our country will be one in which:

  • All citizens are actively engaged our democracy;
  • Young people recognize political participation as vital to improving their lives and communities;
  • Young people form one of the largest voting blocs in the country (increased from the 20% of 18-29 year olds that voted in the 2010 midterm); and every school nationwide provides the tools and experiences needed for effective citizenship.

Spotlight on…Danielle Moss Lee, Ed.D.

1 Apr

Dr Danielle Moss LEeI recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Danielle Moss Lee, the CEO of the YWCA of the City of New York. With many years of experience in community development and education, Dr. Moss Lee provides insightful opinions on equality and the importance of continued improvement of our education system.

Rachel Bogin: Being that Women’s History Month has just passed, I’d like to open by asking you about your current role as CEO of YWCA, and how it feels to be working with and surrounded by such a strong group of women. Do you think that there is a support system that exists here that doesn’t in other workplaces, with regard to the majority of the staff and board being women? What are the advantages?

Dr. Danielle Moss-Lee: Because the YWCA has a mission of eliminating racism and empowering women, we don’t get to save our activism for special occasions or a “marginalized group of the month”. We understand that we have a responsibility to model what we want for women in the workplace through how we identify, develop, support, and recognize our staff. So we have a level of consciousness about how we approach every aspect of the business that makes us unique; whether it’s professional development for our staff or leveraging board networks on behalf of the organization – gender and race are always comfortably in the room. The advantage is, when you call the world what it is, you have a better opportunity to make necessary changes.

RB: As the Women Leaders of Social Change Speaker Series wraps up, can you give us some insight into some of your own inspiration? Who inspired your drive for social change? Were there any panel speakers whose message resonated with you more than others?

DML: It may seem like a cliché, but my mother was the inspiration for dedicating my life to social change. She was really active in the post-Civil Rights early ’70s in our community, and she always made sure I knew who I was and what it meant to be a Black girl in America in all the best senses of that identity. She belonged to a social club for conscious Black women that met weekly in the various women’s homes. Their steadfastness and their willingness to examine issues of gender in the context of race was more than I could comprehend as a child. Later, when I was an adult, I understood how incredible that time was. To this day, my mother is always growing, always reading, always learning, and always connecting the dots. As one of a few Black women in management in corporate America when I was a kid, she took a lot of hits. She was even asked to accept a demotion when I was in elementary school because a white male colleague had a baby on the way. When I think about what that took on her part, and how she went back to that job with her head held high – even though she was more credentialed – because she had to support our family, I’m completely in awe of her.

I’m proud to say that the YWCA of the City of New York did an extraordinary job at bringing women from many walks of life together to advance the conversation on women this month. Our World YWCA General Secretary Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda talked about a global village of women and called intergenerational leadership; Journalist Zerlina Maxwell and Andrea Shapiro Davis of Mayor Bloomberg’s office spoke about the need to hold men accountable for how they engage women from an early age to eradicate rape culture; Shamika Lee of BET Networks challenged us not to forget about young women in foster care who are vulnerable to sex trafficking, and Arva Rice of the New York Urban League and Deputy Borough President Rose Pierre-Louis reminded us that the struggle for women’s equality is not over. The response to the Women Leaders of Social Change Speaker Series was tremendous, and the YWCA of the City of New York looks forward to reestablishing itself as a safe place for women to share their experiences and to highlight opportunities for social justice engagement.

RB: The YWCA offers young girls and women many programming opportunities: after-school programs, mentorship, vocational training, benefits counseling, and more. I’m curious as to how have technology and the advances made in the past decade (easier access to the internet, computers, social media, etc) changed the way that YWCA supports its clients. Do you feel that social media has played a role in engaging younger women?

DML: I would venture to guess that a great many of our participants in the speaker series found out about the events through social media. We know that the playing field in terms of how people get information has changed substantially over the last 20 years. Technology is here to stay. Social media is special because it’s not a one-way news monologue. It allows organizations like the YWCA of the City of New York to engage the larger community of women in new and fundamental ways through conversation. So, if we’re going to engage a younger audience at the YWCA, social media and technology have to be central to our strategy.

RB: It seems as though social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have given a voice to young women who may have previously not been able to so easily express themselves and their emotions. Do you feel that this is the case? Are these sites a step in the direction of female empowerment, or perhaps, just the opposite?

DML: Social media is just like the power of the tongue. When we use our words and our networks to build nations, we can do that. When we use them to tear down others, we can do that, too. The power of sites like Facebook and Twitter depends on what the goal is. I’ve been able to reunite with old friends, interface with some of my favorite authors, and get the word out about the YWCA via Facebook and Twitter. But, these media are all relatively new, and I think a lot of young women struggle with what the boundaries are, how to control their online images, what’s worth sharing and what isn’t for the public domain. In all fairness, I know there are a lot of adults still trying to figure out how to use social networking sites constructively. But the reality is that social networking sites aren’t going away. So education about their power and possibility is essential.

RB: How would you describe the education experience you had growing up, compared to that of young women today? Do you feel there have been significant advances made to encourage and welcome women into STEM fields since your early education?

DML: I think there is much more excitement about the possibilities for STEM to build a future America when girls are represented more broadly across disciplines. We’re in cheerleading mode on this issue right now.  We unanimously agree that it’s a good thing but we’ve not figured out how to make it stick. There are a few scattered efforts, but I’m not sure we’ve developed the pedagogy to really match our enthusiasm – not just for girls but for all of our kids. Nonetheless, the YWCA of the City of New York is looking forward to tackling this challenge, and joining the conversation around solutions to get girls excited about STEM in a meaningful, outcomes-driven, program-oriented way.

RB: There is a growing divide in NYC in terms of public versus charter schools, and their respective pros/cons. Do you feel that one is exceeding the other in terms of fostering STEM fields and equality amongst young children (particularly girls) in general?

DML: If either traditional public schools or charter public schools had figured out the secret to this dilemma, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. What I do hope for is that as both sides continue to challenge themselves to advance education for all children there will be increasing opportunities for crosspollination so that as proven best practices are developed on both sides of the education fence, children don’t lose out because there’s no sharing of ideas, methods, or new approaches to teaching and learning.

RB: Finally, picture the world five years from now: where do you hope the biggest changes will have been made and implemented in STEM field education and the advancement of women, and where does YWCA fit into that vision? 

I hope that all children of every economic background will have increased access to the best teachers our country can develop in all areas of STEAM (the added A is for the arts), and that those teachers will have the strategies to engage kids in using STEAM to solve real world problems through an understanding of the fundamentals, and a willingness to step outside the proverbial box in creating solutions to everyday problems. The YWCA has a unique opportunity to position itself at the forefront of this transformation. As an out-of-school time provider, we have the opportunity to take risks and use broad instructional methods because we’re not bound by a complex system of rules and regulations that calls itself “accountability.” And, as a supporter of women, we can take a teenage girl from high school through college and then mentor her into a career that matters. This kind of work is built into our DNA as an organization. STEAM and the YWCA are the logical next step.

About Dr. Danielle Moss Lee: She was born and raised on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and enthusiastically joins the YWCA of the City of New York after a stellar ten years as President and CEO of the Harlem Educational Activities Fund. Danielle joined HEAF in 2002 after many years of experience in education and youth and community development in the nonprofit sector. She previously served as Assistant Principal of the Grace Lutheran School, Assistant Executive Director of the Morningside Area Alliance, Director for Community and Parent Partnerships at The After-School Corporation, and most recently as Director of the CTY Goldman Sachs Scholars Program of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth.

Click for full bio

10 Easy Ways to Take Positive Action

20 Jun

The following is a guest post written by Jessica Arinella, creator of What You Can Do. What You Can Do is a video series of one-minute episodes that highlights pressing social issues and then offers tips on how to help, even if you only have a minute of time to spare. I’m really excited to present this article to my readers; take a few minutes to read this, and you’ll be armed with 10 new ways to help create positive change in NYC and beyond.

What You Can Do in NYC: 10 Easy Ways to Take Positive Action on Tough Issues
By Jessica Arinella, creator of What You Can Do series

Though you may not notice if you met me on the street, I occasionally walk around with thisfeeling I have named ISD (impending sense of doom). I find ISD most often comes up after watching the evening news, reading the paper or seeing any of those very upsetting commercials that involve animal adoption. I know many people share my desire to be “of use” in the world, but like me feel either too overwhelmed by the magnitude of the issue or too busy to take action.

But after losing my mother to cancer, something in me changed. I became so tired of feeling helpless and desperate that I was willing to try anything to make a difference, even if I failed. So I took a leap of faith and with the help of my sister’s production company On the Leesh, I created a television and web series called What You Can Do. In one minute episodes, the series spotlights easy ways to fight social and environmental issues such as hunger, poverty and global warming.

What You Can Do premiered with 21 episodes on WLIW, and now more than 260 videos can be viewed on the series web site. Episodes feature the latest insight from respected organizations such as City Harvest, Defenders of Wildlife and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

My experience creating What You Can Do has profoundly changed me and the way I look at our world’s most pressing issues. I learned that there are small steps we can take that add up to real change, and it has given me a renewed sense of hope. I now believe that change is possible in our local communities or even the world, one minute at a time.

There are many ways to make positive impact on issues that affect our beloved New York. Below is a list of one minute ideas and What You Can Do videos designed for busy life in the city:

1. Many of the world famous restaurants in New York participate in City Harvest’s program to “rescue” food for people in need. Show your support by choosing a restaurant that gives excess food to benefit the 1 in 10 New Yorkers facing hunger. View What You Can Do episode on NYC restaurants fighting hunger. *Download City Harvest’s restaurant guide:

2. You can also help conserve water while dining out. When you are no longer thirsty, put a napkin over your water glass so your server will know not to refill it. If 25 percent of Americans declined the complimentary glass of drinking water while dining out, we could save 26 million gallons of water. View What You Can Do episode on water conservation at restaurants.

3. We are lucky in NYC to have wonderful public transit. Now that the weather is nicer, skip the cab and opt for the subway. According to the EPA, using public transportation just twice a week can reduce green house gas emissions (that contribute to global warming) by an average of 1600 pounds per year. View What You Can Do episode on climate change on the road.

4. Heading to the beach this summer? Help keep our oceans clean and wildlife safe by disposing of or recycling your trash. When possible, bring reusable water bottles and containers to the beach to bring home with you. View What You Can Do episode on protecting our oceans.

5. Arts education is essential to give NYC kids opportunities to nurture their inner Picasso or Shakespeare. Help children bring their stories to life by granting a wish for Story Pirates, an arts and creative writing organization. View What You Can Do episode on Arts in Education in NYC.

6. Most New Yorkers have hectic schedules, but small changes to our daily routines can make a huge difference. The EPA estimates that a family of four can use up to 400 gallons of water a day, but could save 240 gallons a month by turning off the tap when brushing their teeth at morning and night. View What You Can Do episode on water conservation.

7. New Yorkers are some of the most caring people in the world. But New York can sometimes feel like a lonely place, especially for homebound senior citizens. Check with your local nursing home to see if they accept friendly letters and cards for their seniors. View What You Can Do episode on supporting the elderly.

8. Help give New Yorkers a boost of confidence for their next job interview by donating gently used suits to Dress for Success for women and Career Gear for men. Your contribution can give people the opportunity to succeed in a tough job market. View What You Can Do episode on poverty.

9. Our parks provide a much needed escape from the heat of summer in the city. Follow the “carry in, carry out” policy to preserve the beauty of our city’s green spaces: View What You Can Do episode on supporting parks.

10. If you or a loved one has been affected by domestic violence, dial 311 in New York City and ask for the NYC Domestic Violence Hotline. You can help victims of domestic violence by recycling electronics such as cell phones and video games through Recycle for Domestic Violence. View What You Can Do episode on recycling for domestic violence.

To view the What You Can Do series, visit:

Run for Change with Common Cents

28 Apr

This Saturday I’ll be running a 5K along with a few hundred other people- care to join us?

Common Cents, creators of the Penny Harvest, is hosting a run/walk/rally 5K on April 30th to celebrate 20 years of student service and raise money for the Penny Harvest program. If you haven’t heard, Common Cents is an educational, not-for-profit organization, which specializes in creating and managing service-learning programs for young people. The most notable of these programs is the Penny Harvest, which has enabled NYC children to collect and donate over 8.1 MILLION dollars in the past twenty years. This program teaches children -starting at age 4- the value of service and philanthropy, empowering them from start to finish; they collect the pennies, they discuss who needs it most, and they are the ones who hand out grants to local charities and community organizations. For more information about how the program works, visit the Common Cents website.

There is still time to register for the run; you can do so by visiting the Run for Change! website. It will start at Pier 84 at 43rd Street and the Hudson, and finish 5 kilometers south at “Penny Park” (formally know as Nelson A. Rockefeller Park but really, come on, Penny Park? It’s perfect) After the run will be a Student Action Fair and Global Relief Conference at Stuyvesant High School which all are welcome to attend.

Can’t make it but still want to help? You can donate and support me in my quest to complete my first 5K since the 1996 St. Patrick’s Day Fun Run in my hometown of Baldwin.. Just head to the website and donate on my page!

Stuyvesant High School is located at 345 Chambers Street.

Pier 84 is located at 43rd Street and 12th Avenue.

Garden or Run, Pick A Poison.. Or Both!

10 Mar

There are two big events coming up in April that I’m participating in, and I’d love some of my Give And Get friends to join me! The first is Hands On New York Day on April 16th and the second is the Penny Harvest Run for Change on April 30th. Whether you’re looking to get down in the dirt or run a 5K, both of these events are sure to make you sweat. Read on for details on what these events are all about and how you can register:

Join New York Cares and 5,000 other volunteers to make our city’s parks and gardens cleaner, greener, and ready for summer. Hands On New York Day is an incredible day of service; we may rake and clean debris, or plant, or paint fences and benches! Teams haven’t gotten their assignments yet but it’s sure to be a fun, green time no matter what. Last year our team was placed in Queens where we painted benches in Bowne Park.  It’s a great way to get outside with some friends and make a difference, and also an important fundraiser for New York Cares that supports the 11,000 volunteer projects that run year-round. I’ve thrown together a team for this and NY Cares other annual event, New York Cares Day, for the past three years. This year is no different: Join Team Give and Get NYC on April 16th


The first ever Penny Harvest Run for Change is going to be an amazing day, and I’m not just saying that because I’m helping to plan it! It will raise money for one of the most important causes – supporting children so they can have the kind of future that you and I have been given, and help prevent them from dropping out of school and teaching them the collective power of youth leadership and philanthropy. Common Cents, creators of the Penny Harvest and Run for Change, will lead thousands of people as they run from Pier 84 on 43rd Street, down the Hudson River Greenway to the finish line at “Penny Park” located within Nelson A. Rockefeller Park. Following the run, you can attend the Student Service Fair and take a look at the amazing work these kids have done and celebrate their committment (and yours!) to service. If you’d like to sign up, you can register here and join the Common Cents Volunteers Team, which I’ll be leading on the 30th.


Both of these events require a $25 registration fee, which goes towards covering the event costs and fundraising, and also giving you a sweet new t-shirt to wear the day-of. You can register for both like I have, or pick one that is better suited to what you’d like to do. Both events, be it beautification of our parks or contributing to the education of our children, will benefit the City of New York by investing in it’s future. You can comment below and/or email any questions you may have to